讲座题目: Uncharted Waters: Selling a New Product Robustly
主讲嘉宾:张堃 亚利桑那州立大学博士
内容提要:A seller introduces a novel product to an unfamiliar market. The seller sets a price and chooses how much information to provide about the product to a representative buyer, who may incur a search cost to discover an outside option. The buyer knows her outside option distribution, but the seller knows only its mean and an upper bound on its support, and evaluates any selling strategy by its guaranteed profit. The robustly optimal strategy balances the trade-off between demand and surplus extraction: information design can boost demand by deterring the buyer’s search, but this may require providing her with a high payoff via a low price. I find that full information is optimal only when the search cost is high, and different kinds of partial information provision policies are optimal for lower search costs. Perhaps surprisingly, the price is not monotone in the search cost. These results shed light on the large variations in information provision policies among new products, and suggest that technological advancements that reduce search costs may increase prices and make information provision noisier.