

【学术讲座】3月20日, Peter M. Robinson Adaptive Inference on Pure Spatial Models (一、二)

文章来源: 发表时间:2019-03-15 10:16:19点击次数:



主讲嘉宾: Peter M. Robinson


主讲题目:Adaptive Inference on Pure Spatial Models (一、二)





摘要We consider adaptive tests and estimates which are asymptotically efficient in the presence of unknown, nonparametric, distributional form in various pure spatial models. An adaptive Lagrange Multiplier testing procedure for lack of spatial dependence is proposed and is extended to cover regression with spatially correlated errors. Feasibility of adaptive estimation is verified and its efficiency improvement over Gaussian pseudo maximum likelihood is shown to be either less than, or more than, for models with explanatory variables, depending on the (a)symmetry of the spatial weight matrix and whether this matrix has negative, as well as positive, elements. The paper covers a general class of semiparametric spatial models allowing nonlinearity in the parameters and/or the weight matrix, in addition to unknown distribution.

简介:Robinson教授来自伦敦政治经济学院,自1995年开始成为该院经济系的Tooke Professor of Economic Science and Statistics,在此前他曾在哈佛大学,英属哥伦比亚大学,萨里大学任教。Robinson教授所获荣誉众多。除了被授予国际统计学会会员,世界计量经济学会会士,国际数理统计学会会士等荣誉称号,他还当选为英国国家学术院院士。Robinson 教授的研究兴趣主要是时间序列,空间计量分析,非参数及半参数统计推断。目前他已发表了近200篇论文于各类经济学和统计学的顶级期刊上,例如经济学五大顶级期刊中的Econometrica (15), Review of Economic Studies (3), 统计学四大顶级期刊中的 Annals of Statistics (17), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (3), Journal of the American Statistical Association (6), 此外他还在Journal of Econometrics 上发表了29篇论文,是享誉世界的计量经济学和统计学大师。Robinson教授目前担任Annals of Statistics Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes的副主编,并且也是Journal of Econometrics的执行委员会成员。在此前他也担任过Econometrica, Journal of Econometrics, Econometric TheoryJournal of Time Series Analysis的联合主编。
